Saturday, October 6, 2007

Adventures Continue.....

Here is my grumpy girl yesterday morning at 6:15 am. Just as grumpy as mommy!!

And she is this morning, at 7:30ish, feeling much better!

So last night wasn't as bad, and she lasted until 3:45ish am. I heard her pad off to the bathroom on her own, and held my breath hoping she would go back to bed. Nope. After a few minutes I heard her playing with a squeaky book. I waited. A few minutes later I can still here her. OK, so I have to get up. I sit down across from her.
"It's night time. We have have to go back to bed." I tell her.
"Ma ma, pee pee," she says getting off the potty.
"Great," I said.
'But that is not the point," I think to myself
But out loud I say, "You can have a smarties and go back to bed."
She nods her understanding. Off to the kitchen. As I give her her smarties, I notice she's a bit warm. Like Temperature, hot warm. Maybe this explains the last few nightly wanderings. Maybe something is bothering her. I give her some Tylenol, and off to bed.
"And you have to be quiet," I tell her as I slip her into bed, "Or mommy will put you in the playpen." I point to in the corner, so she understands.
She just smiles at me.
I hit the sack, hoping, praying that is the end. Nope. 15-20 minutes, just I am dosing off I hear her voice carrying some off note tune of a song she remembers. Time to follow through.
"Sorry Hunny, you are going to have to sleep in the playpen," I whisper, as I pick her up, her pillow, blanket, and baby.
I gently place her in, put her blanket on, and tell her, "I luv you Grace, have fun."
I know she is safe now, and the mumbled singing doesn't bother me. I didn't hear her after awhile, and eventually drifted off to sleep.
Well, much better. We all woke up at 7:30. Great!! Much better. I will keep working on it. I know she can get through this.

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