The midwife apt. was yesterday, and everything was splendid. Baby is head down, low, but not engaged as I had thought. Next week Sylvia will come for a home visit to 'check things out'. I always luv when they come into the home. So much more personal. I make tea, and home baked goods to share...its really like a visit with friend.
I also blew up the pool, 'just in case' I go early. I can always hope! Goran is getting the downstairs shower functional, and putting in a nice spray shower head for if I need that for some pain relief. He is also brushing up on his coaching skills, by reading "The Birth Partner" by Penny Simkin. He read it while I was pregnant with Grace and requested it to read again. I'm also gathering supplies. Bedsheets for the futon, old towels, receiving blankets, hats for Baby, space heater, so it can be nice and warm, just birthing stuff. Its nice to be doing something in preparation.
I have also started nesting. Going, room by room, and giving a good cleaning. Clearing out closets, going through cloths, that kind of thing. With both the girls I did this as well, and it was a few weeks before birth. I am also cooking casseroles, and baking breads, cookies, and muffins for the freezer. This way after Baby comes I won't have so much to do. I can put a casserole in for supper, get muffins out for guests, all that sort of thing.
As it turns out Angelina guiltily told me yesterday that she wants to go to Cheryl's house to see her house. It has nothing to do with the baby, and she would actually like to see the baby, and maybe watch some TV when the time comes. So when the times comes, I will just let her come and go from the room as she pleases and see how she handles that. I told her after Baby comes she can go to Cheryl's and tell her if its a boy or girl. She said that was great.
Daycare is going well. My friend, from down the street, and I had a Halloween party for the kidz on Monday. We sang songs, played games, did a craft, and decorated cookies. They had a GREAT time. I am scaling down activities and crafts abit, as I am getting more tired. I am still doing them, as the kids LUV them, just some simplier things. Gluing, coloring, free flow stories and songs through the day, that sort of thing. We are still going outside every day, and walking Angelina to preschool and back on Thursdays.
I have 9 wool soakers complete. I just have to wash and lanalize them. I have enough wool for one more, so I am working on it now, and when I'm done it, that's it for now. I have a few different sizes, and varied that pattern a bit to figure out how to do one I really like. I am happy with what I learned, and with what I made. This way if I do really like them, I can make some bigger sizes when Baby needs them, and I will know just how to do it.
I 'm still feeling good, tired, but nothing unusual. When I get a whole nights sleep I'm good. But if Grace has been up a few times, I'm a bit ruff the following day. Sometimes I think I would really like to be done being pregnant, but then a day like today, I'm ok with a few more weeks. But I guess whether I like it or not, Baby will come on his/her agenda, not mine:)
Following is a picture, as the girls make my tummy into a pumpkin/jack-o-lantern. Such a blast!
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