Sunday, February 26, 2012

Blessings Big and Small

Sometimes the blessings are huge! Meaning, they are easy to see and be thankful for. Last Monday, a pregnant friend called me crying and terrified. She had a wee bit of spotting, and she was certain her baby was gone. There is so much surrounding this baby. So much luv, desire, hope, concern and because of all that, the desire for this wee one she grows in her body has only multiplied. We talked. About the fears, what ifs, I shared stories, and consoled her. I told her I hoped she was wrong and that baby was alive and kicking. I encouraged her to call the midwife in the morning and request an ultra sound.

I thought about her on and off through the day. A quick prayer being said every time. I know her fear. I have lived that fear.

It was about 5ish when my cell phone rang. Not many people call it, and it was a bit odd.

"Hello?" I always question, thinking it to be a telemarketer.

"You were right!" my friend sobbed into the phone. "The baby is alive!"

The blessing were felt on so many levels. It was huge.

Sometimes the blessings are small, and I need to look for them. All the laundry done in one day without interruption. My dishwasher that I luv. Klara getting dressed on her own. Sunny afternoons spent outside with my wee ones for a walk. Chasing the dog through the neighborhood (this was about living the moment, and a lesson for wee ones. 'A blessing in disguise' my mom calls it. And it resulted in a morning at the park!) The back-splash slowly going up in the kitchen.

Big or small they are there. Everyday.

This week we had a blessing of throwing a belated Valentines party. Friends, food, goody bags, and a morning off.

in his old age, he is living life to the fullest.

It was such a blessing to be with friends, sharing and laughing. And added with watching  the small ones play, laugh, grow and learn - it made a near perfect day. (The only sad part was our party goers going home.)

Other blessings - I call big but some might call small - are

hugs and kisses

finding him so peaceful after an early morning workout

seeing the evidence of her brain growing as she sorts and organizes. (and she cleaned it up!)

check out the due. It took hours for that one. a shower before bed, and all night work'n on it! LOL

I hope your week was full of blessing big and small that you could see! I would luv to hear some of them!

I'm off for an early bedtime, and ready for a new week full of blessings!

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