Monday, June 6, 2011


Tonight I settled into my chair with sweet baby in my arms. She pulled at my shirt, and 'squawked' like she does. I knew she was tired.

"Milk?" I asked her signing at the same time. She became impatient with me, and pulled all the harder.

A quick shift, pulling her close, and she sighed in satisfaction as she began to nurse. A few moments later, she smiled at me slyly, raised her hand, and signed milk. I laughed, and she grinned back at me. Suddenly she remembered the nursing, and resumed. She fingered my necklace, and a mole on my arm. I smelt her freshly washed hair, and ran my fingers through the silky curls.

Her eyes were growing droopy.

I rocked a bit, and watched as her body relaxed, and she rested so peacefully and trusting against mine. This moment, this slot in time, filed in that place in my mind under 'amazing'.
she is amazing
As I biked with the girls tonight, and watched their little legs working so hard to keep up, I am reminded how lucky I am. As I undid Bryan's trailer seat belt and briefly held in my arms to let him free, I remember the joyI have as a mother. Nurture, luv and watch.
I listened to the kids playing while I painted my bench, talking to each other, and laughing. Inventing some crazy game, about shopping, and seeing bugs..... The sun layed in scattered spots on the grass, Duke eager if any one of them came close enough for him to touch or follow, strained just a bit on his leash. The cooling breeze softly blew through the trees.

This is what memories are made of.

Life is good.

1 comment:

Mama Mama Quite Contrary said...

LOVE the photo. I so wished I had taken photos while I nursed. I miss it now.