Sunday, January 3, 2016

Christmas Memories

  Pics and memories :)

1. An new ornament for someone who doesn't have a name yet, but brings us so much 'joy' already!

2. Daddy and Bryan

3. Opening gifts with Baka

4, My boys

4. A good-bye letter 

5. Grace and Baka

6. Cousins in PJs!!! 

7. One of Angelina's favs 

We filled the 2 weeks off with trips to visit with friends, Nana and Paka, Baka, having friends over for making. We went shopping, walking, and we went to the Christmas Eve service at church. All my littles lined up o the bench in the Christmas best, made me feel happy, peaceful, calm and happy. 

On a funny side note, I'm singing all these lovely Christmas songs when I look down and NOT ONE of my kids are singing all these lovely songs. At first I smile and whisper, "Sing!" but as a few lines go by and they are shifting uneasily, and kind of trying to look like they are mumbling, I glared at them and hissed "SING!" Music and singing are so tied into my memories with Christmas, this made me sad. 

They did get to the point of trying harder, And I realized this isn't going to change overnight, I will keep working on it every Sunday, and by next year, we'll all be singing together. 

So we continued with the candle lighting part of the service and I didn't have to hiss or scowl at anyone :) 

Memories and lessons all tucked away in my heart <3 p="">

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Half a Dozen + 2

I'm trilled to say, we are adding one more! 

We will have 1/2 a dozen beautiful children!

"Every good and perfect thing comes from above..."
James 1:17 The Bible

Everyone is excited to welcome OUR baby. 

+ Goran and I, we are a family of 8. 

My heart is so full, I'm afraid it might burst. 

8 is Great

I'm 2 days late. On the day he was born 8 years ago, I was 7 days 'late'. I was grumpy and tired all week long. But that morning, I had renewed energy, I was ok waiting, and looking forward to meeting him when he was ready. 

Little did I know, by 7:45 pm my first son would in my arms. 

He is a boy full of energy, wakes up happy and ready to take on the day. Hes eager to please, sad to see others sad, and he likes to hang out with his dad and his paka. 

He has taught me so much. He has taught me that love has now bounds. He loves with no conditions, and now exceptions. Sure he gets mad, stomps his feet all the way to his room. he shouts "Thats not fair!" and slams the door! But he comes back later tear streaked and sorry, hugs and kind words. He tries to make it better by helping or giving, or sharing. 

I am so thankful for the gift of my son. For his love, lessons, and smile.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Halloween Fun 2015

The excitement began REALLY building already at the beginning of the week. I say 'REALLY' because truth be told, the kids started with questions and costume discussions back in September! So last weekend we did some shopping, and decorating, and planning for pumpkin decorating, and a small festive party. 

I let myself get into a bit. (play!)

I worked out a fun craft,

Angelina made cupcakes late into Friday night for our party on Saturday with cousins and a few friends.

It was rewarding in a peaceful way to watch the children talking and laughing with their cousins/friends during the party. I say that because is wasn't all on me. The bigger kids really took on themselves to workout what they would wear, and how they could help. Angelina made the cupcakes. what a relief not to have to worry about that.

Its been almost a month since I started this post. I think Samuel dragged me away to bed, because he is often ready for bed before me, but wants my warmth, and smell, and luv to snuggle up too. And as I know these days are short, I go. Sometimes grumbling and frustrated, but mostly I go, and as we settle down and I'm often asleep shortly after him.

So I was thinking about blogging this Halloween post today actually, and I was drawing on memory to come up with word to jot down with pictures I took that week.

Mostly I remember feeling how things lined up so well, with cousins visiting the day of Halloween, Ang having a friend over, and the cooperation as every crafted and enjoyed muffins, and talked and laughed at the table.

Goran took the kids trick or treating, in their decided costumes :)

Overall a really fun celebration for us.

Happy 12th Birthday Angelina

We've had a bit of a build up for sweet Angelina's birthday. She had a semi private horse riding lesson with a friend, we had a dinner party on the weekend with grandparents, and Aunt Kristyn and the kids.

She took it all in stride. She enjoyed each celebration, feeling special, and knowing she was luved.

Today she got to sleep in, received a special necklace from Goran and I (which she luved), and the annual Tim Hortons treat with just Dad.

Today my girl turned 12! She's old enough to babysit, matured enough to see the bigger picture in many situations, and she's getting to the point where she needs more. In the last year I've noticed that she longs for outings, and experiences that we can't always provide.

She wants to visit with friends.  I don't mean, play dolls, or imagination, but hang out, talk, ect. Even with this I implement crafts, swimming, ect, so they are busy, interacting and learning. Often the best times I've had with friends is when I was doing something fun!

In the summer Angelina volunteered for VBS and luved it. What a wonderful opportunity for her in a safe environment, to learn, grow and develop a sense of herself. The youth pastor said Angelina did an amazing job transitioning from 'camper' to 'assistant leader'!

She is branching out and developing friendships, really deciding which ones are important and which ones she let go of. She's worked hard on being kind and generous when others are not always kind to her. I know how hard that is, but its such an amazing quality of hers.

My dearest girl, Angelina, 

.....go forth and live your dreams. Life isn’t as cruel as it seems. Yes, sometimes it’ll be tough. It’ll feel as if you’ve had enough. Stride ahead, shun your fears. For you, we’re always here. Happy birthday.

I luv you my Girl! 
Happy 12th Birthday! 

Friday, October 9, 2015

#4 Takes Off

On Thursday while walking to ballet Klara says,

"I can almost ride my bike without the wheels."

"Hu um," I replied pretty unconvinced.

Did she prove me wrong!

When we got home she asked if she could practice.

"Of course Hunny." I replied.

I had just gotten in the house and she at the door yelling at me to came and see.

"I can do it!"

And she can!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


On Sunday cousins came over for a craft afternoon :)

We've been discussing how to get these 3 girls to get weighs heavy on my mind as I don't want these feels of frustration, sadness and alienation to overshadow the visits that Kristyn and I so very much look forward to and thrive on!

I had a thought that maybe keeping all 3 busy 'together' was one way to do it. We have left crafts out for them, given them instructions, and given them a whole bunch of open ended craft stuff. That doesn't seem to end positively. I continued to think and watch, watch how they mimic everything I do...

It hit me like a bolt of lightening,

They need the example.

The example of working together, talking things out, listening to one another, taking turns, and helping, Kristyn and I do so much of that already, but it doesn't hurt to be more proactive. So we discussed the afternoon, I put together poncho kits for the girls to sew and cut for their Maplelea dolls and Kristyn put together the 'ocean in a bottle' for the boys.

The most part it went well. It was a it crazy at one point when everyone needed something....a needle threaded, next step mom?, I don't know how to do this!...and supper needed cooking, but it was just a better example to them of talking, waiting, listening and following direction.

I know there is lots more of this before the problem is solved. Sharing, helping, example settling, ect, but it felt like such a good step in the right direction, and the girls were so very happy with their final product!