Wednesday, December 12, 2007

His Belly Botton Fell Off!

Reading stories and nursing!

My darling son, sleeping the afternoon away!

The girls catching a few minutes with the baby brother...and as you can see Grace slowly warming up.

Yeah to the gross smell belly button. It fell off and Bryan is left with a nice innie belly button like the rest of us! And he is fitting in with our family very well. He does what most babies do. He eats, and sleeps, and poos. He has fit in with a our daily routine nicely. Going from 2-3 has been a breeze! Maybe because I've done daycare, and I am use to the juggling act. Maybe because I am just that much more relaxed. I don't really know why, its just been easier. I remember I was terrified of being alone with the 2 girls after I had Grace, but I had none of those feelings of anxiety this time. So for me, this had been a very nice transition to a family of 5. I think Angelina would agree with me. She luvs to hold Bryan, and kiss him. She will go to him when he is crying and try to sooth him. She tells me often, "I luv having a baby brother, Mommy." Now Grace I am sure feels much different. She has had the hardest time adjusting to Bryan. She wants to sit on my lap when I have him. She wants to nurse when I am nursing him. And any time I say, "Just a minute," she dissolves into tears. But it is coming. As the days have gone by, she is a bit more patient while I am nursing, and will even look at him now. Sometimes I will catch her standing by his chair, and she'll touch his hand, or lean over and look right into his face. She is checking him out. Still deciding if he's ok or not. I know in the end, it will be ok with her. So right now I just watch and smile, knowing she is slowly falling in love with him as well. And Goran has been great. He has been helping me, making sure I have what I need, and taking care of the household chores. This has been wonderful as I am able to focus my energy into taking care of Bryan, spending time with the girls and getting my rest. And he luvs having a son.

Well I think that's it for now. I don't have a whole lot of time, but I will try to post again soon.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

My Son is Here!

I started to write a post on Monday about how bummed I was, but something stopped me. I decided to get somethings done instead. Grocery shopping and some baking was on my list. But once I got to the grocery store I was 'crampy', differently than I had been the past week or so. Not really really painful, but different. So I finished my shopping and went home. I gave the girls some lunch, and put them down for a nap. Still the same sort of thing, so I thought I should lay down and see if it goes away. It didn't. I slept on and off but the 'cramps' kept waking me up. I got up at 3:00pm and got the girls up. I messaged my mom on the computer and told her something strange was going on. I had been timing my contractions on and off during the day, but there was no real pattern to them yet. I timed them again. 3-5 minutes apart, and they were lasting longer...45 secs min. but often longer. I had a few loose stools. I knew that was a good sign. I put a movie on for Angelina, and started doing things in the room. I hooked up the hose, moved the bed around, put down a plastic sheet, set up some candles, and all in between 'cramps'. During my 'cramps' I would sit on my ball and rock around. I kept going to the bathroom looking for some 'show'. I kept thinking, "If I have that, then I know this is the real thing." But every time I went I was disappointed. My mom called at 3:45pm. We decided she would call again in about 1/2 hour and see. But I told her I would feel better if she was here. She could watch the kids and I could concentrate. And the roads were not to good, so I didn't want her rushing. If it turned out to be nothing, then at least we would have a good night together. I had called Goran just after 3:00, and told him I thought 'maybe'. He had an interview at 4:00 which I told him to go to, and then come home. "If I need you sooner I'll call you," I had told him. I called Sylvia to give her a 'heads up' that maybe something was happening. We discussed what was happening, and she said it looked good, but it could slow down and stop. I told her, "I just wanted to warn you because the roads aren't to good." I told her I would call back when I was sure. I called Kristyn and Cheryl to give them a heads up. "Maybe," I said, telling them to I would call back when I was sure.

Suddenly at about 4:10, I just knew. Or maybe I just 'accepted' that this was it. The contractions were 3 minutes apart now, and 50+sec each. I started to call everyone and tell them, "Yes its time, come when you can." I called my mom first, then Sylvia, then Cheryl. I knew Kristyn was on a time line with work so decided to wait to call her. I was still working on my ball, and the girls were just there in the room with me. The pool was filling up, and Goran came home around 4:45pm. We talked a bit while I worked through the contractions, but he seemed to realize this was it, and got work with me. He was busy getting me water, helping the kids, and rubbing my back during contractions. He actually got the kids bathing suites on, and they played in the pool for a bit! My mom came next, and she got the kids dressed and took them upstairs for super. I called Kristyn and l told her to come when she could. Sylvia came at about 6:00pm. She did a quick vag. examine and told me I was 7 cm. Yeah! 3 cms to go. I knew I was in transition. Contractions were longer and more intense and I was shaking. I began to feel like maybe I couldn't do it. Cheryl came. Katie, the second midwife came. Kristyn came. Goran was still with me 100%. He was rubbing my back during contractions, and I was humming, moaning low tonnes. I read that helped to relax and open the cervix. Between contractions Goran would get in front of me and tell me to relax against him. He was awesome. Supporting me the way I needed, just when I needed it. Its hard for me to ask for help, and he knows that. He just took charge and did what I needed.

I had been on the ball for along time, and I knew my labor was stalling abit. I was tired. Sometimes a contractions would 'get' me before I could get a good handle on it, and I would cry out in pain, and fear. My body needed a new position. The midwives were suggesting things, and Goran was too. But it hurt, and I knew getting up would hurt more. The ball was 'flexible support' for my perineum. Goran suggested the shower, and the tub. The midwives suggested having a few contractions on the toilet. I was passing dirty looks around to each of them. Didn't they understand, moving hurt! But I knew it was time for a change. I knew the more it hurt, the sooner my baby would be here. I finally agreed and jumped in the tub. I was right. It hurt, more. Different. The midwives suggested breaking my water. Maybe that would speed things up. I really wanted them to break on their own. I had gone into labor on my own (finally!) and I really wanted my body to do the rest on its own too. I moved around in the water. I moaned and groaned, and leaned on Goran through contractions. I was contemplating what the midwives were saying about my water when suddenly I felt something...pressure, urge to push, and then something bulging just inside me. It was the bag of water. I asked if I could break it myself and they said, yes if I could, to go ahead. I managed to pinch and tear it with my finger nails, and slpush, more water was in the tub! I reached inside of me and could feel my baby's head. He was almost here. I worked through a few more contractions, trying to focus, but it was hard, it hurt so bad. Finally during a contraction I felt the urge, and began to push. " Good, Kathryn," Katie told me. "Listen to your body." Oh, it felt good to do 'something', but burned at the same time. With the next contraction the urge to push came sooner, so I pushed for longer. I could feel my baby's head crowning. I knew with the next contraction the baby would be here. The next one came and I pushed with all I had in me. I felt his head 'pop' out of me, and knew the shoulders had to come. I pushed for those shoulders, and I felt him slither out of me. I could here the excitement in the room. The midwives were talking fast, and my mom and Cheryl were cheering. I had been leaning on my knees on Goran, so I had to lift up my leg, to take my baby in my arms.

" ITS A BOY!" I cried out. I leaned back in the tub. His cord was short so I had to be careful not to to pull to hard. I looked at Goran, "Its a boy, a son!" I told him. He was crying before I even had him in my arms. They put a hat on his head, and I gathered him to my breast with a blanket. I was instructed to keep him in the water to keep him warm. It was 7:46pm.

We've named him Bryan Alexander. He weighed 8lb15oz. He is beautiful. He is strong.

Friday, November 30, 2007

My Last Day of Work

So today is my last day of work for the next 3 months.At times it has been hard. I'm uncomfortable, and my patience has been low with the kidz on occasion. But now that I'm at Nov. 30th I am so glad they have been here! They have kept my mind busy, and kept my spirits up. They have given me a reason to get up daily and kept the day in a predictable routine. They accept me as I am each day. Whether I'm in a great mood, or I'm feeling a bit cranky. As this week comes to a close, my biggest question for myself is "What am I going to do next week?" LOL!!
Its really bitter sweet. I look forward to the time off, spending time with my 2 girls, and bonding with the new baby(when he/she comes). But on the other hand, these kids have helped me get through a tough week. My over due week. A week that would have been much harder without them. I am going to miss them. And as much as I look forward to my time off, I look forward to their return in March just as much.

And as for being over due...what can ya do? Crying doesn't help just confuses my children. "Why is Mommy crying?" Crabbing at Goran doesn't help, just makes us crabby at each other. And honestly he has been my rock. He has been supportive, and understanding. Giving me an extra hug when I need it, ordering supper out a few times these past few weeks, and offer to help out around the house. I don't want to be crabby with him. I tell him "Thank you Hunny," and hope he understands how much it all means to me. So I just remind myself, 'Baby knows best,' and I keep on going. The only thing I hate (and I mean hate) is the inducton questions from near strangers. I did not want to walk Angelina to school yesterday. I just KNEW that this one woman was going to get on my case. Just like I knew, she saw me and says, "Oh, you haven't had your baby? When is the doctor going to induce?" I'm smiling through clenched teeth. Boy I wanted to hit her.
"I'm not inducing," I replied.
Her eyes just about popped out of her head. "You can have very serious complications from leaving the baby in there to long. Did you know that?"
This is my 3rd baby. Does she think I am stupid?
"I am only 3 days over due at this point," I smiled at her. "And my midwife supports my decision 100% to wait at this time."
"Oh, right. I forgot, your doing all this at home," she sorta rolled her eyes and left.
My blood was boiling. Its only 3 day! This could be a miscalculation of dates! Baby's heart rate was good, baby responds to stimulation, and baby moves around like crazy.
Just wait...I'm not done my story. When I picked Angelina up, the same woman had the guts to inform all the other moms and dads that I was not 'very happy' about being over due.
Really what bothers me, is some uniformed person warning me about how dangerous it is to go over due. She doesn't know the complications of inductons are far far greater.
So that is it for now. I am working one last day, have a parade to go to tomorrow, and I am visiting Kristyn and Mark on Sunday. I do not plan to sit and wait all weekend. That would drive me nuts!
So ta ta for now, and I will keep you all posted!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

1 Day Over!

Well, my due date, came, and went. And I really am ok with it. I know that babies come when they are ready and I want my baby when he/she is ready. The start and stop labor is hard. It can get pretty intense. Last night it was intense enough I had to do my breathing exercises and focusing. I put the girls to bed, layed down, and woke up 1/2 hour later. It had stopped. But every time it starts I wonder, is this is? And the thing is, that is how it will start, and it will just keep going, instead of stopping. I saw Sylvia yesterday, and I was 3-4 cm, and 85% effaced. So the 'early labor' I've been having is making things happen, just not fast enough for me:)

Since last week when I posted, we celebrated a birthday! Angelina turned 4. We have had several B-day parties for her to get in all the relatives, but yesterday was the official day. What we like to do is buy a gift for the birthday person, and Goran and I wake that individual up before he goes to work and give them their gift. So yesterday we woke her up, and gave her her gift. Its this Dora/Mermaid thing, that sings and turns around...she saw it on TV a few weeks ago and requested it. I honestly think she had forgotten about it, so she was delightfully surprised yesterday morning! Its just a few minutes that we get together with our Birthday Girl. And we get to make their day with that 'special gift' from Mommy and Daddy! And it really did make her day. She showed her friends, took it to bed for nap, and when I woke her up it was the first thing she played with. I'm glad that we as her mom and dad can make her so happy!

I have my daycare kids for the rest of the week if I see it through. I am really really glad! It is a wonderful distraction! They really have no idea whats going on, and are happy, and smiling, and a nice joy through the day! They nap in the afternoon, and the routine keeps the morning flowing quickly.

Well that it for now. I will post again, either next week, or sooner if this little one arrives! :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A Picture!

Me and the girls just enjoying eachother, and the belly!
Any guesses to what we're having?

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Waiting Game

Sorry I am a bit late in posting. I really really thought I would have had this baby by now. Being 3cm last week, and 75% effaced...contractions coming and going. But Sylvia was sorta on call on the weekend, depending on when, so I think my body just stopped, knowing I wasn't guaranteed to have her at the birth. I did see Sylvia yesterday, and there was not much change from last week. My GBS swab came back and thankfully it was negative. She did do a stretch and sweep, and I was uncomfortably contracting for the evening, but again, things slowed down and stopped by bed time.
I am still working, the kids coming in each morning is a nice distraction. I am really glad I have them to look forward to. They keep me busy, and my mind going, so I am not upset about not having had this baby yet. The prospect of getting up with nothing to do is very bleak.

So I will sign off for now. I am feeling peaceful, and relaxed, and want to get as much rest as I can, as soon I know I will need my energy. :)

I will post again for sure next week if I haven't yet had the baby, but hopefully before that with a story of a great birth!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


So the great news is, Baby has flipped!! Good to know that all the walking I have done in the last 5 days has increased gravity and brought that little head down to where it should be! Its been an intense 5 days, on the phone with Sylvia, discussing options, and declining, discussing and more declining. I understand and appreciate their position, but I still have the right to refuse, and let my body work. Which it seems to be doing quite well I must say! I was 3 cm's dilated today, and 75% effaced. I saw Pauline, and she did a stretch and sweep to active some hormones, and we will have to wait and see if anything happens in the next few days.
There is lots more to write, but its late, and I just wanted to give a quick update about the progress. I will write again on the weekend to fill in all the rest that's been going on.

Have a great night!