Family Day was a whirl wind really.We were getting ready for company, and I had some cleaning to catch up on, and laundry to keep was one of those days. But sometime after noon, we got coats and boots on, and headed outside to the sunshine. The sun was warm. I stopped and just felt it on my back. I could feel the warmth seeping through my coat, warming my back and shoulders. Spring is arriving. Its not 'going' to come. Its here! Early and slowly spreading its warming fingers over the earth, and bring life out of the ground.
It was a good Family Day walk. My family, talking, laughing, smiling, and holding hands. Just being together. Just being us.
Dinner was a hit! Grandparents came to celebrate family. My kids luv when Baka, Nana, and Paka are here. The anticipation. Waiting at doorways and windows, and the excited cheers when the cars and vans pull up. Clambering for laps, asking questions, and more and more smiles. We all got a taste of Goran's fresh cought fish, homemade potato salad, Caesar salad and more.
look at that smile! |
making cookies after supper |
It was a good day.
Check In
Today I have lots of thoughts and feelings on my journey. I was up .8 of a pound. It has to do with weight loss rhythm, and just maybe a few to many chips the other night, but there is more to this then weight. Is this being naive, of realizing something important? I'm not sure. This does not mean I am going to stop counting points. I am not going to stop exercising. This is important for me. For my health, my example I'm living for my wee ones, and the way I feel. I don't feel good after a night of TV and binging. I feel awful going to bed with indigestion, and I feel awful getting up the next day. I don't like it. But after a morning exercise, or a healthy lunch I feel invigorated, refreshed, and strong. I seem to manage my stress better, smile more, and laugh more.
before my 'run' |
I went running. Well jogging really. It was good. It took about 5 mins. and I fell into a rhythm. I was breathing big gulps of air, my heart pounding in my ears, and my feet flew over the sidewalk. I liked it. No, I LUVED it! Its been 3 years since I ran. I'd forgotten how good it feels, and how alive it makes me feel. I'm going to make it part of my week workout routine. Hopefully getting out once or twice a week. I was out for about 30 mins. Running for about 23-25 of those minutes, and walking the last block to cool down. Oh I hurt the following days after. My thies protesting every time I sit, or have to go up/down stairs. But I like the pain. it reminds me of the running, that my body is getting strong, and that I will do this!
I've decided to weigh myself once a week, and maybe go to once a month. There is more to life then the scale.
Into the week I go!! Life is great!!