Friday, May 27, 2011


Its like that. Crazy busy trying to finish the last bit of 'this', make sure I have 'that', and wondering if I have enough of that 'thing'. For Klara's party it was her photo album, (I worked so hard on it) the cookies and recipe cards, food to buy and prepare, the yard and house to tidy, and matching outfits for the kids right down to color coordinating and matching bows. The list seemed never ending, and it was tiny details like plastic cups, enough spoons, and pretty balloons, to the big things like deciding the guest list, and praying the weather would co-operate.

I did have enough spoons, and the Klara luved the balloons. My mother-in-law made one of her famous cakes, and the weather was spotty. And it was all worth it as we all had a great day. My youngest girl was beautiful, and happy, and acted as she knew it was her day. It seemed she knew everyone was there for her.

I luved it. The excitement and anticipation of getting ready. The kids feeding off out excitement. Everything super tidy and clean. Everyone and everything in the house waiting.

Then the house is descended on. Grown ups and kids, laughing, eating, play, singing happy birthday, and taking turns giving the birthday girl birthday hugs and kisses. Dishes lining the counters and my amazing mom and amazing friends filling up the sink and taking a turn washing. Gathering up garbage in the hustle and bustle of it all to help me out.

And then the party ended, and the day ended, and the week has slipped on. Kristyn stayed to the next day with her littles, and it was wonderful and lovely. A nice continuum. And then we slipped into the next day, and we were schooling, and I was hanging laundry and weeding the garden. The left over cake disappeared, and the new toys took places with the old toys, and the packages, and tissue paper found a home in the gift bag box.

The sun shone, and rain fell, and life has resumed, quiet, and peaceful.

The children snuggle on the couch together reading stories. Daddy reading stories snuggled in bed with little ones, and me nursing the smallest one while the sun sinks low in the sky.

Yes, the normal quiet of routine. I luv this too. For different reasons. Some say its boring. I think its amazing. I can stop now and watch them grow. Listen to the Angelina read to the others. Watch Klara climb the stairs, and pull to stand at the bookshelf.....and pull all the book down. I listen to Grace ask Angelina how to spell things, and Grace so slowly repeating as she writes it out. I watch Bryan work on riding his bake, and find out he has named in 'Mode'.  The quietness allows me to watch and listen, laugh, and luv. Luv this stage in my life. Luv watching them. Luv them. 

They get through the crazy with me. Enjoy the excitement, the company, the food, and the anticipation just as much as me. But they seem to appreciated the calm just as much. Baking cookies, and long walks through the neighborhood. Waiting for Daddy to come home, and a supper of pizza just with the 6 of us.

Bryan and 'Mode'
Grace being her helpful self with Bryan and 'Mode'
beautiful girl


Life is good.

What do you like best? The quiet daily routine life, or the excitement before a holiday or big party?

Me, I like them both. Each for different reasons.

1 comment:

Kristyn Hiemstra said...

Love that black & white shot of Angelina - so precious :)

Glad you've been able to enjoy the quiet moments of this week <3