Thursday, October 3, 2013


It started on the 1st. Angelina asked what day it was.

"Its October?!" She asked.


"Your birthday, its in.....2 days!" She exclaimed.

I love that she remembers!

Nothing could be better then a surprise birthday party to start off the day!

In pajamas. :)

Angelina and Grace asked me what time I get up. I was afraid they wanted to make me breakfast! But they assured me not, but did ask me to set the alarm early. We agreed on 6:55. I could here them as talking and chatting, and hurrying in the basement. Bryan got up and went down too.

Klara stood in the dark door way.

"Mom, is it yours birfday?"

"Yes honey."

Grace make me close my eyes and lead me down the stairs.

The smiles on their faces were priceless!

I could feel my heart swell 10x bigger then usual. They just wanted to do something special for me. To make my day amazing, something I wouldn't forget.

Friends sent me messages, and went out of their way to make me feel special. The girls had piano lessons, and I sat around my mom and dads kitchen table with them and shared a pumpkin pie. There's nothing quite as special as my dad kissing my cheek and wishing me a happy birthday, and a hug from my mom wishing me the same.

Messages, sugar free chocolate, flowers, and 5 amazing wee ones to share the day with, makes it an amazing start to 35!

Friday, September 27, 2013

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.

 Inspired by SouleMama

Thursday, September 26, 2013


How is it that I blog, promise myself to blog again soon, and find it almost a month later? Time slips away, like sand through my fingers...the harder I try to hang on, the faster it goes, and the harder I try...

We try to plan this trip for the 1st day of school, but we put it off this year a bit. As we packed and readied, it felt so much more the end of summer then ever before.

Summer 2009

September 2013

September 2013 - Its so clear here they are growing up FAST!

(I feel a yearly tradition coming on)

It was a fantastic trip! Family fun, family memories, confidence building, and life lesson building. 

It felt all to soon that the trip was coming to the end and it was time to go.

A few things to remember
  • Klara would say ``Can I go out on the deck?" We would say yes, and she did, she went out on the deck numerous times just to hang out. (I think she liked the sliding glass door.)
  • Angelina and I did all the slides! Vortex and Niagara Rapids for the 1st time. (Vortex being the favorite)
  • Goran and the kids went down the Wooly  Mammoth!
  • Bryan went on the bigger slides by himself and with me! I always think he's so little, but he seemed so big...
  • Grace although apprehensive, went on a few bigger slides and had a great time! 
  • The girls were right in the wave pool! 
  • Sam was content and happy in the water, with Goran or myself. 

we always end the trip with a walk on the falls and a few pictures :)
The Great Wolf Lodge wolf ears were a last minute surprise. Totally sending in this to win something.

I'm going to be updating in the next week with pics and trips over the last bit of summer. We went to the cottage, and family camping...I've gotta get those pics in here!

Stay tuned for tomorrow, a super sweet pic for '{this moment} Friday'. We've had a new arrival I'm excited to introduce.

Friday, September 6, 2013

{these moments} In My Garden - Exhale

{these moments} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.

Inspired by SouleMama

Friday, July 26, 2013

this moment

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.

 Inspired by SouleMama

Friday, July 19, 2013

{this moment}

This moment, smartphone edition

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saturday Blessings

Sun shining, kids swimming, the breeze pillows the laundry on the line. Its going to be a wind dried smell in those sheets tonight :)

Baby playing, talking to his 'friend' and he goes over, again and again.

sam talking to graces baby. he was smiling, and cooing....i think he finally got disappointed in lack of response ;)


I can't believe it.

This giant plant takes over the garden. After 2 very disappointing years, Ill take it! This giant thing, everywhere, that just keeps growing.

The potential makes me smile.

i really hope they aren't eating those things?
The day draws to close, and supper in eaten by the happy, chattering 5. Even Sam sits amidst on Angelina's lap, watching, and putting in 2 cents every now and then. Can you picture it? I hope so. I hope one day when I look back thought my posts, and as I read through this, I can picture it.


A funny story to finish off the post. (no pics...)

Bryan is cutting out letters from magazines and gluing them on a paper plate for letter recognition. I give him an example, and he goes to town.

On this particular day the letter is Kk.

"Bryan what begins with K?" Goran asks him.

Bryan has his funny joking smile on.

I lean over and point to my center.

"What begins with K, Buddy?" I tap my chest.

His eyes were dancing, and that grin, that I'm not quite sure what to say grin, is on his face.

"What begins with K, Bry?" I say again, tapping, tapping.

"Errrrr, breast?" he starts laughing before hes finished and so do we!

To be fair, I was tapping my 'chest' and leaning over to be eye level, my shirt was gaping a little - so what he saw me tapping was my breasts I suppose.

At least he knows what they're called! 

Have a great weekend!!