Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Beginning - Garden 1

I love Tuesdays. They are great days. My dad comes. Everyone is excited. Me, the kids, and extra kids if they are here. Some times he stays for lunch, or sometimes just a coffee.  Last Tuesday was even better then the normal. Dad was coming to till up a piece for the garden!
The garden before....

Ready to go!

The rototiller. Its from the late 1940's I think....

It gave him a bit of a hard time, but with a little babying, it started up!

Bryan luved it! And he followed behind his Paka, just like I followed him when I was a little girl!

 There we go. My very own garden! 

I am waiting again, for the soil to dry out bit. We've had rain almost every day for a week. But the sun shone today, we went out, enjoyed, and played, and the kids squatted at the edge of the garden talking and looking at worms. I am hoping the weekend bring nice weather, and the sun dries things up, and I can plant some bean and onion, and peas. I can almost taste those snow peas now...

Thanx Dad for all your help! I couldn't have done it without you!!

Afterthought I had to add - my sister Julie made a comment at Easter dinner about me being a country girl. I disagreed, saying "Do you see any country around here? Nope, all city girl here!" 

"A city girl that just made a country size garden in her backyard." 
At which point we all laughed. I felt a little swell of pride. Yes, I'm going back to my roots. They are part of me. I guess, once a country girl......

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