Thursday, October 1, 2015

New Dolls = Finding Common Ground

My SIL and I have run into '2s a couple, 3s a crowd' with the 3 similar aged girls. It has been difficult and heartbreaking to see the tears and struggles these 3 girls have gone through finding that place or sharing each others attention and love. 

(This seems off topic but will come together in the end!)

5 weeks ago we got our Kids National Geographic Magazine. With it came a Maplelea doll magazine. At first I was a bit annoyed and frustrated....we have SO MUCH STUFF! And it became clear very quick that this was going craze was going to happen. 

Angelina was the 1st, since she had the money saved. 

(Wait for it...) 


But suddenly there was common ground with her cousin. This shifted some attention, and although it was hard for Grace to adjust, she did so with grace (ha!) and joined in! 

Klara was the next one, I found a used one with wacks of clothes and this placed more common ground with her big sister. 

Grace was now saving every penny, wanting to get in on this train! 

Facebook message and texting with the cousin was taking place with all 3 big girls. Much less stress and sadness and more smiles and laughter.

Graces doll came this week. My big girls are hanging out more, talking about their dolls, about clothes for their dolls, writing in journals ect. And they are including Klara. 

A impromptu walk led to these,

We are looking forward to a quick and easy clothing project to keep their dolls warm in the cool fall chill! Keep posted for Sunday :)

Wednesday, September 30, 2015


My thoughts have been here. In this space I created. My space that I'm not sure the direction it should go. I've have sat down to blog, and stared at the screen. I've typed words, joyfully and happy, troubled and worried, feelings jumbled and all mixed up, sat back and hit the delete button....because I don't know where to go here.

I read though a friends blog and she said I quote "the quiet predictability of our days is the very thing we longed for."

How true.

With the predictable routine of driving the bus, school work in between and assorted kids activities in the evening, I have created what I wanted. For the me, for the children, for our family.

Days blend together. We establish routine, and create laughter, joy, hugs, smiles, patience, helping and all the best examples I want for my 5 little people. And when things get though we tolerate the stuff that makes our brains crazy, and breath deep when feelings and thoughts get overwhelming. We move onto the next step of the day and repeat the stuff we know.

"People are more important than things"

"One step at a time"

"They are having a hard time, they are not trying to give me a hard time"

"The days are long but the years are short" a favorite from a friend.


So where does this leave my space going?

I think I continue with a bit of this and a bit of that.

Over the next month I will update with where everyone is at, maybe school projects, some summer pics, and that will lead into the holiday season.

With the beginning of the school year we typically continued with the 3 Rs, and also did a Native American Study.
We made igloos from paper mache, long houses and tepees from cardboard, and had a field trip to a near by reconstructed village of long houses. There was so much to see and touch and learn, and read there. We only went for the afternoon, but we could easily make several more trips there!

Once I make the time I will print off a billion pictures from our trip and I've already bought a photo album to put them in! Along with index cards so the kids can identify whats in the picture and tell a bit about it! 

Another friend said to me..."I inspire I don't require."

That one hit home! And I'm working with that motto as much as I can, So I will inspire the children with my pictures and index card write ups! 

I'm off to tidy a few things, tuck a small boy into bed, and then myself, before the whirl wind of tomorrow begins! 

Saturday, July 25, 2015

July Camping

It was a giant build up getting here. So much anticipation. There was SO MUCH work to do. (As you can imagine!) 

But we did it! The kids worked with me, packing clothes, washing dishes, sitting with sleeping Sam, everyone did their part. 

Driving here tonight with 5 + a friend I said "let's not worry about time, or the clock. Let's just do all the good stuff till we r done." 

So we went for a moonlit swim. It was magical and enchanting. Sam hugging my neck in the water, the girls laughter rippling across the lake, and Bryan eying to catch up. 

And then we were struggling to put our clothes on, the mosquitoes were everywhere, and it stung and hurt and we were slapping and there was crying and I was cursing to myself in my head for such dumb idea...

Fast forward 2 hours, these babies had campfire with s'mores and no mosquitoes and are now quietly breathing sleepiness, goodness and peace. 

I hear the campfires, smell the woodsmoke, and feel peaceful and grateful. 

Monday, July 13, 2015


I've been thinking and reading about play.

I watch the children play, and their energy is constantly renewed. They are always excited to get up and greet the day with open arms.

"What are we doing today?" I get asked 4 (!) times every morning.

Whether we are painting the swing set, or doing groceries, or baking for the neighbors, they are excited and eager. They have questions like "Do we have enough paint brushes?" or "Can I get the ice cream?" and "Can we make banana muffins?" Everything we do, they want to be part of it, and they want to try, and take something away from it.

For a while there everything felt like a chore to me. Dressing, drying my hair, baking, cooking, laundry, gardening, supervising, shuttling kids, nursing the baby, walking the dog, and caring for the house. I was trying to make time for everything. Running threw my day to finish my list of chores. Because this list, my chores, if weren't done, reflected on me, as a mom, and a wife. And I want to be good at my job.

So, I rushed. Threw every moment of the day. To finish my list. I snapped at the wee ones to hurry, so we could rush to classes. I would sit and watch them and nurse the baby and think about the hundred billion things I had to do at home. I would rush them out the door, buckling them up, and hurrying them home to push them to eat so I could clean up......

I don't need to go on. I'm not the 1st mom to rush, and snap, and hurry, and tidy, and worry.

I'm not the 1st mom to get tired, and burnt out, and frustrated, and exhausted because suddenly all the fun is gone.

I had to find a way out. Or a way through this to the good stuff. I can see others having the good stuff. The moments the make life worth living. The moments. The quiet moments alone when everything feels right. When you know you are right where you are suppose to be. The loud and busy moments, when there is laughter and smiles and the luv is so big it can't be wrong. The fluttering eye lids, and gabbed tooth smiles, the 1st swim across the pool alone, the teasing, and the 1st moments at some grown up stuff.

So how was I going to get to that place, where my heart could rest and take it in and live.


"Our society tends to dismiss play for adults. Play is perceived as unproductive, petty or even a guilty pleasure. The notion is that once we reach adulthood, it’s time to get serious. And between personal and professional responsibilities, there’s no time to play."

"Play brings joy. And it’s vital for problem solving, creativity and relationships."

"Play can even facilitate deep connections between strangers and cultivate healing."

The articular goes on to talk about what play is ect.

I started to do things I enjoyed, and it gave me energy. It gave me something to look forward too. And I started to enjoy the other things again. 

Sometimes I just stop. I feel the sun on my cheeks. I watch the children laughing. 

I've stopped writing lists and worrying about if it all gets done. I think about today, what it needs from me, and what I need from it.

Sometime I leave the house for a walk with the kids and growing-old Duke, with dishes in the sink. Because sometimes that's what we need, And when we get home, sometimes we are rejuvenated and happy and ready to do the dishes together, and get the kitchen cleaned up in 10 minutes. Sometime we get home and everyone is still cranky and I just help them to bed, and do dishes quietly on my own. Some times I'm grateful for that time, and some times I'm a bit grumpy that I'm doing it alone.

So we have made plans for fun. The kids and I this summer. We are painting and moving kids around rooms, and freshening up spaces, and having fun. We have camping trips planned, and cottage weekends, and looking forward to the Paris fair,

Some times I want company while I play. A pedicure with a friend or backyard painting with a the wee ones.

Some times I want to be alone with a good book, simply sip tea on the backyard bench and watch the bust birds fluttering around, or pound the pavement.

Its good. This think called play.

I only wish I could tell everyone how important it is :)

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Camping In a Ontario June Hurricane

I learned a few things this weekend. 

Rubber boots are essential for camping in the rain. 

Sometimes when you're are camping you have to go out for supper. 

Bring quiet actives comes in very handy. Plan for more then you think u'll use! 

Putting your tent up on a good foundation is essential to weathering the storms. 

Camping lists are amazing! 

Mostly, if you keep positive, and remember the sunshine is coming, you can get through the storm. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


It started strawberry picking with a friend and 7 kids this morning. Continued with a strawberry snack with whipped cream. 

A break in the day. 

The sun is sinking and I return to see the trays of berries on my counter. A flashback of hauling strawberries with my sister and my mom pop into my mind. It makes me smile. 

Samuel is still up. Munching on berries as I haul. He talks with his limited vocabulary  of grunts and gesters. 

The berries turn and roll as they boil. A vision of skimming the foam and eating it on fresh toast that same day with sisters and my mom return to my mind. 

I add cups and cups of sweet sugar and stir and stir. The steam pillows. 

Cool. Stir. Mix. Cool. Stir. Mix. 

Small boy hanging on my legs. 

Scoop, pour, lid. Scoop pour, lid.

10 jars of sweet sticky jam. Come a very cold February morning this will remind  me of this day. It will remind all of us that warm days are coming. 

But, right now I'm waiting for the sound of  popping lids so I know they sealed! 

Sunday, June 21, 2015

DSLR Pictures From Family Party

A few pics from our Fathers Day party - by request! 

I think you can tell who's feeling a bit tipsy....


i have the case of the giggles....
 A beautiful photo! Kurtis was say 'plane'!

 Julie Ron and Kurtis!

Hope you all enjoyed you weekend!