Friday, May 4, 2012

A Lesson Learned

I post from the bathroom counter. We invited friends over for a picnic. But  as the clock ticked closer to arrival time, the sky grew darker and darker, and all of a sudden the heavens opened and the rain fell. So after a evening picnic on the floor of the play room the clouds parted and we escaped the confines of the house to the great outdoors. Where 6 wee ones, splashed and ran, and laughed played. This is the stuff great evenings are made of. Several calls of "Time to go home" and "Mom not yet!" as the sky was gathering darkness fast and the tiniest one was so ready to go home. Seat belts were buckled and hands waved and voices were heard calling "Bye" over and over again. So that brings me to my counter top perch as my 2 weest ones play in the tub, pouring and  filling and learning. And getting clean after mud and puddles and cool night air.

I learned something this week. It began Wednesday night as a dull ache inside my mouth. A tooth ache.

'It will go away,' I thought to myself,

It continued to ache.

I thought about it as I slipped into bed with the weest ones, but I drifted off to sleep. I awake at 12 a.m. to bring those babes' to their own beds and cuddle up with my hubby. This time I didn't drift off so easily, and I started to think about what would happen if it still hurt in the morning....but again I drifted off.

Long story short, after being up since 2:00 a.m. with throbbing pain, I'm sure I was the 1st call of the day at 7:03 a.m. to go in for 8:30 a.m. to find out I need a root canal and an extraction.

the pale lines in the tooth is where they dug down for the root canal

I'm afraid of dentists. I had a bad experience as a child and they scare me. Usually they hurt me and before Thursday I had yet one to find one who treated me with any respect.

So I had not been in YEARS! I figured I brushed well so it would be OK.

It wasn't. My teeth are a mess. I need work on the right side as well, but he figured he could save them with regular fillings.

So, I'm gonna suck it up. Get my mouth cleaned up and book regular apts.

This was not worth it. It was scary and frightening.

The dentist was the best I've ever had. He cranked up the laughing gas (I don't think I will do that again as it was very very weird.) and turned on the TV (Harry Potter!!), and every now and then I heard his voice come out like a dream, "A little wider please".

When he pulled the tooth out the tugging the pulling and preasure on my mouth....HEARING it rip away from my scull....was strange but kinda cool...??And after an extra shot of freezing I didn't feel a thing!

I came home with a bag of gaze pads and my rotted tooth. Looking at it makes my stomach turn a bit.

Its time to take care of me. Inside and out. 

Now, I need to get ready for bed. But before I do that, I have a date with my new Mr Oral-B :)

 Please, take care of your teeth!

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