Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Grace

Happy Birthday 2 year old!!

I can't believe how much she has grown and changed in the last year. A year ago she wasn't walking, or talking, and she just had short baby hair. She still slept in our bed, wore diapers, and still sat in the high chair. Now Grace runs after Angelina down the side walk and sleeps in a big girls bed with her sister. Her hair is no longer the short baby hair, but has grown 5 or 6 times its length. She is 100% toilet trained, quickly letting me if she's had an accident so she can have clean clothes. She doesn't even use a boaster seat. She's a big girl like Angelina and just sits in the chair. And as far as talking... she's picked up lovely phases from Angelina like "No fair!", "Your Bad!", and an all time favorite from Daddy, "Knock a bonk!" My favorite is when she all of a sudden for no reason at all, hug my leg and say "I love you Mommy!"

Now she fights to hold Baby Bryan, and cries when we take him from her arms. She calls him "Baby Bron", and thinks him pooing in his diapers is "Grooooooss!". She loves her big sister and hangs on her every word. Goran and I got her up this morning and gave her a birthday present. We gave her a dolly swing. She loves it!! But when Angelina first got up, it was war over that toy. (I knew this would happen, and I thought it was a great time to teach Angelina about sharing.) But after a few minutes Grace changed, and I felt sad for her. There they were, Angelina crying because she wanted a turn, and Grace crying because she doesn't understand sharing but she didn't want Angelina to be sad. Her attention was not on the toy anymore, but on Angelina. Now she was sad for Angelina. (Her sensitivity to others is one reason I love her so much!) As the day goes on I will make sure to make the time to spend with her to play with her and the swing.

Tonight we are just spending time together. We are having soup and hot dogs for supper, because that's one of her favorites, and cupcakes for dessert!! And as the week goes on, she has a few parties to attend to get all the relatives in!!

This morning when we got her up and said "Happy Birthday Grace," she would say 'Happy Birthday' back to us. Too cute!

1 comment:

Kristyn Hiemstra said...

Happy Birthday Dear Grace!! You are such a sweetheart and we all love you so very much :) It was great to spend the day with you today!!