Monday, January 5, 2009


My Gracie turns 3 in 2 days. Can anyone tell me how to stop time? She is amazing and trying all at the same time. Her suesues are only for bed now. Holey cow can she ever talk!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!

It started very early this morning at 1:30 am! We had just finished putting everything under the tree and were admiring our handy work, when we heard 2 sets of pitter pattering coming down the hall way. 2 little voices, "Oh, Santa was here!" They were very disappointing when we told them they had to go back to bed! But they did, and actually didn't get up until 7:30 this morning. Angelina was so sweet. I was laying in bed and heard this tiny little voice,"Mom? Is it morning time? Are we allowed to get up now?" I opened my eyes, and there she was beside the bed. Her head was tilted just a bit to one side, and her hands were under her chin. She's 5! When did that happen? I told her of course and up we got. We actually had to wake up Grace...of course!

Santa brought Gracie some new suesues. She was so in awe of them, she couldn't manage to open anything else. She didn't know what to do with 3. She had one in her mouth, one in each hand, but then what? We did manage to convince her that no one would take them, and she did finish off her gifts. A few things were, a new movie, new Robeez's, Makka Pakka, a book with CD, and a new (matching to Angelina) outfit.
Angelina was the 'Santa'. 'Reading' the labels and handing out the gifts. She helped Bryan go through his stocking, explaining what everything was. She loved her new Robeez! She thought she had outgrown them, and was so excited, and happy that she got new pink ones. She got a matching outfit to Grace, and loved the little dress. Some other things she got were, a movie, a book with CD, a Thomas the Train (Rosie), and some tights.
Bryan just sorta tumbled around the whole opperation. He went from one person to another happily laughing and smiling and exclaiming over the gifts as everyone else did. He got this Webble Wobble Barn, and figured out how to make it work in just a few minutes, and had it singing and singing....

After everything was all done and sorta tidied up, the kids were on the floor playing. Actually all 3 of them were playing in the new barbie house that Santa had brought. (Thanx Dad!) Angelina had her barbie in there, Grace had her suesues and Makka Pakka in it, and Bryan had his train in there....It was heart warming to see them playing together.

The day flew by! We had a nice breakfast together, and then Goran snuck out to visit with his mom. The kids had a bath, put on clean clothes and went for a nap. I had time to clean up and have a nice long, hot shower. No interruptions!! Afterwards I baked so cookies, and finishes a few cards. I had to get Grace up, and then we all went out down the street to hand out some cards and presents to some friends. One friend we stopped at had a gift for each of the children, and Grace was so happy! It was all the characters from "In the Night Garden". She was so excited as she was opening it, she couldn't do it all at once. She kept having to stop to look and laugh. It was so cute! (Thank you Sandra!)
Afterwards we had some hot chocolate, and watched a movie. Its now past bedtime, but everyone is busy and quiet.

It has been a wonderful day. I have enjoyed watching my family. They are happy, and strong, and growing. They are all different, and at such different stages in life. Angelina is getting so mature and grown up. She wants to help, and is proud to be the big sister. Grace wants to grow up, but is afraid at the same time. She wants to be close to the people she loves and trusts, and she wants them to be happy. Bryan is the baby. He is happy then sad. He wants cuddles, and then he wants down....
Goran is growing so much as a husband and father. He loves his children enormously, and is so patient in helping them learn or try something new. This morning with Grace and her suesues, he held them for her while she opened her gifts. He carried Bryan while I made I could make breakfast LOL! He loves me so much, and wants me to be happy. To the point he would do almost anything I asked!

And so that brings us to the end of the day. I have email, or called a few close friends to wish them a Merry Christmas, and I plan to see a few more tomorrow. I am off until Jan 2, and I'm looking forward to relaxing and continuing to enjoy the family!

I hope you have all had a wonderful day, and a Merry Christmas!

Monday, October 27, 2008


Bryan is managing a few uneasy step. I can't believe it. Where has the time gone?
I will post a video soon.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Over a Month!

Wow, how life can change in such a short period of time. Angelina has started school and luves it! I have plugged though doing daycare upstairs. The kids don't seem to mind, but I'm really starting to missing my space. But we have continues plugging on with the renos as well, and today the digging has started on the foundation. This marks a great day! The work will get done, and once they are done we can go 'full steam ahead' on the inside renos!

As I mentioned Angelina started school. Every day she asks if 'today' she goes. My neighbor drives her to school, and brings her home. I've met her teacher, and she is a lovely warm woman. She is easy to talk to, and quit willing to talk about concerns I might have, or how I can help Angelina at home. I still have concerns and worries. But I see how much she luves it, and I see that school is a good thing for her. Yesterday we saw a friend from school at the park and she was so excited...and so it begins...

Gracey also luves the 'just me and mommy time'. Angelina was at school a few days ago, and I had no extra kids. So I went shopping and bought Gracey some boots that flash. She spent 20 uninterrupted minutes trying them on, stomping, taking them off, looking where the lights come from, and then putting them back on to stomp some more. 20 minutes! It was lovely. She was having a great time. Then all of a sudden she says, "Nope, I can't wear my boots on the carpet". She takes them off, goes to Bryan ( who has, unknown to me, attacked the kleenex box) and says so motherly "No Bryan! No kleenex for you!" I was laughing my - - - off!

And Bryan is almost walking. He is so busy. He pulls up on everything ( the hot stove!) , crawls everywhere, is always jabbering and pointing at someone, and is standing by himself. He is working hard at the park to get those stairs down pat. He goes up a few steps, and mommy gets him down (it scares me). He likes to be among his friends on the carpet to play with the toys. And he is eating. He likes oatmeal, warm bananas, sweet potato's, green beans, carrots, noddles, cheerios, bread, pears, soup, crackers, chicken, yogurt and so on. He waves and says "Hi"or "Bye". I swear he has said mom, and dad, and cat...but maybe its just me:)

It seems we have all grown and changed, but life still goes on the same daily. We are all still here, and its wonderful! We are happy, and healthy.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

I Did It

I bought Angelina her school bag and lunch bag. We went together yesterday, and I let her pick it. She picked 'Strawberry Shortcake'. She was so proud to put it on and prance around the house. I can't believe it. It seems like yesterday I was getting my first positive pregnancy test, holding her for the first time, watching her walk....She is so excited and she is happy and ok about it all. But am I? My baby is growing up!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I"m Mobile, and Happy

Ok, so here it is. Bryan is really doing it. Crawling crawling crawling....EVERYWHERE! Its only been since Saturday, and he is getting fast! At first, the in the morning he didn't remember. But this morning I got him up and put him on the floor. He was sitting there with this little grin on his face, and then suddenly THUMB his hands hit the floor and off he went. As he can see in the video, he is happy and proud to be moving. The crying has pretty much stopped. He is happy to be on the floor with the kids, moving around, and getting what he wants. He is pulling up on anything that will stay still. He pulls up on the coffee table, and pulls my table cloth (with everything on it) off. He pulls up on chairs, the stroller outside, and the beds. Last night he had his first crash! He was on the deck pulling up on one of the little tike chairs. Well they are only BUMB he went. Oh, did he ever cry then! His lip is a bit swollen today, and he knocked his gum inside his mouth, so its a bit bruised. But did it slow him down...nope! After a cuddle and a nurse, off he went.

And about the girls....Grace is trying so hard to keep up with her friends, but her feet don't want to co-operate, and she is constantly dealing with skinned knees. I feel so bad for her when she hits the side walk 'WACK", and then cries! But a quick hug and cuddle and a band aid, and she's off again..... Angelina starts school on September the 3rd! She is so excited but a little nervous at the same time. We are planning what she will wear that day and how she will wear her hair. Goran's mom has bought her some new clothes but I have yet to buy her a school bag and a lunch bag. Buying that school bag and lunch bag some how makes it real...and I'd rather put it off a little bit longer.....she's ready, but maybe mommy isn't quit yet:)

And the basement. It has turned into one REALLY BIG head ace. We decided to have it done from the outside, because then it is permanent. So we had a guy all lined up...he kept putting us off and off and finally one day just called and cancelled. I was not happy. So after another week of quote after quote after quote we finally picked a company, but are looking at a 3-6 week start date depending on the weather! And then we still have to finish the basement off .....So we are hoping by the time the cold weather sets in we are all done, and can enjoy the space.

Well, now I think that is it. I just sat down to write a few lines....and got all carried away! Until next time....have a great weekend!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Good bye

On August 5th, Gorans dad passed away. He has been sick for 2 years, and towards the end was in pain and was suffering. We all miss him and we are sad that he is gone, but at the same time we find great comfort in the fact that he is not suffering anymore. The week of he funeral was hard but the family gathered often, finding comfort in being together and sharing special memories of Stevo.
We layed him to rest him on August 9th, 2008.