I read though a friends blog and she said I quote "the quiet predictability of our days is the very thing we longed for."
How true.
With the predictable routine of driving the bus, school work in between and assorted kids activities in the evening, I have created what I wanted. For the me, for the children, for our family.
Days blend together. We establish routine, and create laughter, joy, hugs, smiles, patience, helping and all the best examples I want for my 5 little people. And when things get though we tolerate the stuff that makes our brains crazy, and breath deep when feelings and thoughts get overwhelming. We move onto the next step of the day and repeat the stuff we know.
"People are more important than things"
"One step at a time"
"They are having a hard time, they are not trying to give me a hard time"
"The days are long but the years are short" a favorite from a friend.
So where does this leave my space going?
I think I continue with a bit of this and a bit of that.
Over the next month I will update with where everyone is at, maybe school projects, some summer pics, and that will lead into the holiday season.
With the beginning of the school year we typically continued with the 3 Rs, and also did a Native American Study.
We made igloos from paper mache, long houses and tepees from cardboard, and had a field trip to a near by reconstructed village of long houses. There was so much to see and touch and learn, and read there. We only went for the afternoon, but we could easily make several more trips there!
Once I make the time I will print off a billion pictures from our trip and I've already bought a photo album to put them in! Along with index cards so the kids can identify whats in the picture and tell a bit about it!
Another friend said to me..."I inspire I don't require."
That one hit home! And I'm working with that motto as much as I can, So I will inspire the children with my pictures and index card write ups!
I'm off to tidy a few things, tuck a small boy into bed, and then myself, before the whirl wind of tomorrow begins!