Time goes by quickly for me right now. 3 little ones under foot most of the time, and often 3-4 little friends to go with it. The days are very similar. Blurring together, one after another. But they are good. My girls play together and tease each other. Sometimes laughing, sometimes crying. Bryan is always amongst them. Never to be left out or left behind. He runs after them now. Down the hall, into the back yard, or along the side walk. Soon he will be running beside them, not behind them.
They are all growing so fast.
Angelina skips off to school after a goodbye kiss. Her new favorite book tucked in her backpack along with a healthy lunch packed by mom. She comes in a whirl at the end of the day. Excited to hang her new art on the fridge. She talks so fast, telling me about what she played that day, what her teacher told her, and only stopping for a second to ask "Whats for snack?" As I tuck the blankets under her chin each night her question is always the same, "What are we doing tomorrow?"
Gracey takes some time to get up each day. She's often the last one up, but sometimes the first to peep in the bathroom door as I finish getting ready for the day. There she stands, her hand above her eyes blocking the bright bathroom light, her soother wiggling in her mouth. "Hi Mommy," she smiles at me. She is always testing me. She waits for me to ask her things 3-4 times. A new thing she says now is, "Don't tell me two times!" She says it loudly, and always sounds so exasperated. I respond with, "Then do it the 1st time!" She loves crafts, and stories. Every time I sit down she is crawling into my lap with a book in her hand. I tuck her into bed at night with a soother in her hand, a soother in her mouth, and her water bottle on her bedside table. After I kiss her forehead and turn off the light she whispers into the dark "Goodnight Mommy."
Bryan is busy growing and learning. He is really starting to eat well. I've had to strap him into his highchair, but he will sit and eat now for half and hour, no complaints. He likes oatmeal, fruit loops, toast with PB and honey, stir fry, sloppy joes, soup soup soup, and slightly cooked veggies. He is the first one at the craft table when its craft time! He loves the coloring with the markers, and gluing with the glue. We made lambs just the other day for "out like a lamb" and he made one! He loved it! Standing on the bench, jibber jabbering at me, pressing the cotton on the paper, and then picking it off his sticky fingers. Once bed times comes around for him, we snuggle down together on his bed, and he settles down, belly down beside me. He has this habit of sticking his hand up my shirt and resting in on my belly. I watch as he turns his head side to side, talking baby talk, winding down. He lays still, and his eyes begin to flutter. Pop! He opens them again, looks at me, and smiles. They flutter closed again, and his breathing becomes rhythmic, and I know he's sleeping. Resting, getting ready for tomorrow...
Its busy. "Never a dull moment" so the saying goes. But would I change it? No. They are wonderful and beautiful. My house is filled with love and laughter. Someone is always learning something new. Their eyes are twinkling, and lips are smiling.
If you ask me (most times) its like a little piece of Heaven, right here in my living room!
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
1 day ago